It’s Spring and the summer-breeding birds have arrived at Narara. The sound of birds is everywhere. Come and learn about the fascinating birds of the Narara Ecovillage, identify the most common species and learn to recognise the most distinctive calls. Enjoy sharing your interest and curiosity about birds with others. Stretch your legs with a relaxed walk around the ecovillage property. Light refreshments provided.
We will also be contributing our observations to the annual “Aussie Backyard Bird Count”, see https://aussiebirdcount.org.au.
Choose from one of these two times.
· Saturday 24 October 7.30 to 10.30 am.
· Sunday 25 October, from 4.30pm until dark.
The walks are open to all. Cost $35 each, $25 for members of Narara Eco Living Network and Narara Ecovillage Co-operative. Numbers limited (12), COVID safety plan in place. Reservation essential, email Richard at madaboutdirt@iinet.net.au. Don’t delay, places fill fast.
Richard Cassels
More details: Bring: your own water bottle, hat, sunscreen, insect repellent, strong footwear, long trousers.
Highly recommended: binoculars (and / or camera with telephoto lens). NB binoculars really make all the difference to bird watching! Ask us if you want some recommendations.
Level of fitness and mobility required: average, enough for 2 hours (max) on your feet. Some rough ground.
We regret that the walk is not suitable for small children-they will get bored!
Bird books, apps etc.
You do not need to bring any bird identification resources on these walks, particularly as we concentrate on the experience of bird watching and listening, and sharing the experience. However if you are intent on learning more, we all send you a separate guide to some of the resources (books, apps etc) that you may like to acquire. NB copies of the various field guides will be available for you to inspect at refreshment time.
Zoom session of possible interest.To learn more about the wildlife at Narara Ecovillage, you could watch the (lengthy-1 hour!) Zoom session about living with wildlife at the Narara Ecovillage, with tour leader Richard, hosted by Vanessa Huang. https://nararaecovillage.com/event/guided-bird-walk-introduction-to-the-birds-of-the-narara-ecovillage/