John Seed on Deep Ecology

johnseed_riverJohn Seed is near and dear to the Network with an extensive background in environmental activism. John spoke at the Central Coast Permaculture monthly meeting in June.

The subject of his talk was “Deep Ecology and the Conservation of Nature”. But what is Deep Ecology?

Deep Ecology is a philosophy of nature which sees that underlying the environmental crisis there is a psychological disease stemming from the illusion of separation between humans and the rest of the natural world. The late Arne Naess, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy from Oslo University, Norway who coined the term “deep ecology” pointed out that our “ecological ideas are not enough to protect the Earth, we need ecological identity, ecological self”. With a presentation which includes music and poetry, John Seed will show us how to nourish our ecological identity and align ourselves with Earth.

John is a regular events that we put on so keep an eye on the events calendar.