This is advance notice to you of the next guided bird walk and talk. . It will be happening at the Narara Ecovillage on Saturday August 15, from 8.30 a.m. to about11.30 a.m.
N.B. numbers are limited to 15 participants, so if you are interested, sign up now!.
The tour will be guided by Central Coast bird expert, Alan Morris, supported by local bird watchers.
It is an excellent time to see birds. As we head towards Spring, many of the birds are busy claiming territory and nest sites. The tour is mainly intended to encourage people who are just learning about birds. As always, there will also be lots for those who know a bit already. Recent sightings of rarer birds at the ecovillage include a Pacific Baza (also known as a Crested Hawk), a Little Eagle and a pair of Glossy Black Cockatoos.
The morning will also include a guided environmental meditation by Suzanne Mildren, which will enhance appreciation of the amazing life system that we and the birds are part of.
The finale will be a delicious morning tea and wrap – up discussion.
To come on on the tour, you must be a member of the Narara Eco Living Network. In addition, to cover costs, we ask for a donation of $20 an individual or $30 a family.
On Tuesday the tour will be offered to the wider NELN readership of 2,200 people, and to birding groups on the Central Coast (they will all have to join up to NELN if they come), so don’t delay!
To book your place, email Richard Cassels at: soon as possible.
Any enquiries to Richard at 0400 601 668.
Some photos below.
A Pacific Baza (or Crested Hawk) at the Narara Ecovillage on July 19. These birds seem to be spreading further south, which is good news. Their favourite foods are foliage insects and tree-frogs.The name Baza comes from the Hindi work for hawk, and has nothing to do with Barry McKenzie (photo Chris Bannerman).