6th July Newsletter

Narara Eco Living Network News.

Monday 6 July 2015.


  1. A Poem from Cuba.
  2. Las Terrazes, Lyndall and Dave at a Cuban ecovillage.
  3. Permaculture weekend with Robin Clayfield, July 25-26, book now!
  4.  “Social Permaculture” talk, Saturday 25 July, 4.30 p.m.
  5. Bird Walk and Talk, Sunday 19 July 2 pm, register now! 
  6. Narara Ecovillage News: new appointments, village activity, brain training, spectacular fungi.
  7. Next Narara Ecovillage Open Day: Saturday 25 July, from 1.30 p.m.
  8. Future Network Events.
  9. Future Network Members’ Events.
  10. Contacts.


     1.  A Poem from Cuba – June 2015.

At the risk of creating suspicion that the ecovillagers are a bunch of “leftie communists” (which is not true!), this newsletter starts with a delightful poem from Lyndall Parris, founding member of the Narara Ecovillage, who is now in Cuba.

All I have is a Hola and smile

In a country where I no speak

I offer it very freely

To elicit the warmth I seek

Here in Cuba with scenes surreal

I admire resilient folk

They lost much weight when the Soviets left

Which is when more power awoke

The Revolution, such heady stuff

With many good lives lost

The baddie killed, the goodie wins?

At one enormous cost

It’s June and quite hot on the ground

So we walk in the morning dawn

Havana’s asleep while we enjoy

The beauty of things reborn

Such glory in the buildings seen

Makes Aussie pads so bland

Ornate with colour, style and grace

The renos will be grand

And in the east Gibara stands

A world away from here

All horses and few motorcars

It’s Cuba in arrear.

An ecovillage way out west

Delivered a café sublime

The fruit and veg grown right at home

My health turned on a dime

I’ve loved my short week in this land

So different from the norm

where highs and lows of life abound

and enterprise is born.



2.   A Cuban Ecovillage.

News and notes from Dave & Lyndall Parris, Narara Ecovillage founders.

“Now on to Cuba, truly amazing country, where we visited Las Terrazes Ecovillage, an hour west of Havana.

This is a centralised government project, proposed and developed by politician and architect Osmany Cienfuegos (brother of the deceased revolutionary, Camilo Cienfuegos).

1968, took over 5,000ha of denuded land, bulldozing terraces and planting 7-8M trees, then In 1990, Osmany became the Minister for Tourism and took the project further, prioritising tourism activities and the development a top notch hotel, where Dave and I stayed in a room with a view directly into the forest canopy. Now he is in his 80’s and lives here – how amazingly satisfying!

We also had lunch at a cafe, serving the healthiest, freshest food, we have ever eaten. On the front page of the menu was written: “That your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food” Hippocrates 460-377BC. They have a sister cafe in Berlin….how about one in Narara? I photographed every page of the menu for NEV – they were delighted to share all this.

Today 1020 inhabitants. Locals are informed what to produce by the government and given priority for available jobs, mainly in farming, the arts and eco tourism –> café, fishing, horses, canopy zip lining, barmen, tour guides, fruit, veg and flower production, artists, musicians. 95,000 visitors a year! “.


We were told that there is great community spirit in this ecovillage – in a socialist country where people are provided with basic healthcare, education, provisions and housing but have limited choice and where there is a big incentive to share everything. The Lonely Planet says: “Neighbours share everything from tools to food to baby sitting time without a second thought. The community is allowed to share 35% of the profits that the ecovillage generates”.

3.  Permaculture weekend with Robin Clayfield.

July 25-26, book now!

Narara Ecovillage is delighted to welcome the Permaculture Pioneer and internationally acclaimed Robin Clayfield to share her extensive expertise and experience with us at this year’s gathering. The workshops and presentations being offered will give us the direction, tools and enthusiasm to develop a socially and economically resilient community, while having fun of course.

Clayfield - Version 2

Permie 2015<br /><br />

Robin will give a presentation and workshop on ‘Social Permaculture’ as well as a ‘Creative Group Leadership and Facilitation’ workshop.  We are delighted that Robin will also facilitate our looking for and developing synergies across permaculture groups in the wider Sydney region, in a bid to establishing a regional Permaculture network.Robin Clayfield is a Permaculture Pioneer and an internationally acclaimed facilitator, educator, author and social change practitioner who regularly facilitates courses throughout Australia and overseas. She is best known for training and coaching a diverse cross-section of leaders, facilitators and educators to effectively engage their audiences through creative, interactive processes and innovative learning models. She has birthed three books, including ‘You Can Have Your Permaculture and Eat It Too’, a CD and a Permaculture Teachers Manual, as well as founding ‘Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning’, a holistic learning and facilitation methodology. She lives and breathes Social Permaculture and loves inspiring people to use Permaculture Principles to enable successful and empowered groups, see http://dynamicgroups.com.au and www.nscf.org.au/robin-clayfield for more information).

Booking form and brochure are attached, see below.

For more information: see the permaculture gathering page, or contact Tricia Meagher: pmeagher@optusnet.com.au

4.  “Social Permaculture” talk

Saturday 25 July, 4.30 p.m.

Robin Clayfield, Permaculture Pioneer, talks on “Social Permaculture”, a logical follow-on from Tony Hester’s talk on Sociocracy last week. The talk is free for Members of the Narara Eco Living Network and the Narara Ecovillage Co-operative, and for anyone who has registered to attend the Open Day. For others the cost is $10 per person or $20 per family payable at the door.  N.B. You do not need to attend the whole Permaculture weekend to come to this talk.

5.  Narara Bird Walk and Talk

Sunday 19 July 2 pm, register now!

How much do you know about the birds of Narara? How many can you identify? Learn the basics of bird identification. What do Narara birds do on a winter afternoon? Will we see the spectacular Regent Bowerbird? Or a hunting goshawk? What prey would a goshawk be seeking? Which birds are defending territory? Which bird has started courting and looking for nest sites? Can you Identify 3 “giants”? Why have some, quite unrelated birds, have ended up black and white? What’s in it for them? Which birds are unique to Australia and which birds can you find anywhere in the world?

pint-sized, pugnacious and back and white: Willie Wagtail bathing at Narara last week (Photo RC).

The one and a half hour walk will be guided by birder Richard Cassels. “We will start outside the gate of the ecovillage, and then amble around  the ecovillage site as far as the edge of the Strickland Forest, returning for a delicious  afternoon tea (with the Miriam’s famous scones) and a chat and bird book inspection to wind up.  By the end of the walk, we intend that you will have gained a whole new awareness”.

Birds at the ecovillage this month include Superb Lyrebird, Regent and Satin Bowerbirds, Green Catbird, Eastern Whipbird, Yellow-tailed and Glossy Black Cockatoos and Brown Goshawk.

Numbers are limited to 15, the cost for the tour and tea is $20 adult, $30 family, and you must be a NELN member to come (you can join on the web site any time at To secure a place, email Richard at info@neln.org.auas soon as possible.

the spectacular Regent Bowerbird was on site at the ecovillage today (Photo RC).


6.  Network goes live on social media! 

Lincoln De Kalb, Network (NELN) media manager, writes: “To broaden our reach and spread sustainability values we have branched out onto Twitter. If you are a “twitterer” please follow us @NararaEcoliving and say Hi! Better yet, if you have any thoughts on topics, #hashtags or particular posts reach out to social@neln.org.au. We’d love to hear from you!

7.  Narara Ecovillage News.

7.1  New appointments.

The complexity of the Narara Ecovillage development project has increased exponentially as we approach the start of site works, selling lots and establishing the Community Association. To meet all the new administrative requirements of the project, the community and the property, two new part-time contractor positions have been created: Co-operative Secretary and Executive Secretary. In accordance with Co-op policy of filling positions from Co-op members where they have the required qualifications and experience, the two new contract positions have now been filled by very skilled members. In the photo below the two new appointees, Bronwen and Suzanne, are accompanied by Joy Mozzi, Site Administration officer.


N.B. why the toys? The usual meeting place for the administrators also doubles as the Children’s toy library, and hence all these positions involve toy management!

Bronwen Bassettt is the newly appointed Co-operative Secretary,  The Co-operative Secretary is the main administrative officer of the Co-op and also the main point of contact between the Co-op and the Registrar. She ensures the Co-op is fulfilling various obligations under the law – including annual reports, correct financial, procedural, board and membership records, and signs documents on behalf of the Co-op.

Suzanne Mildren is the Executive Secretary to the Narara Ecovillage Project Director and Board. Suzanne prepares documents for Board meeting documents such as agendas, minutes and action lists. The role involves working collaboratively with the Project Director and the Cooperative Secretary and other Board members to assist the ecovillage to meet certain Co-operative compliance requirements. Suzanne is also working together with Bronwen and Joy to assist in each other’s roles as much as possible. Suzanne has a background in project engineering and environmental management.

Joy Mozzi is the contracted Site Administration Officer. Joy assists with site documents, forms and paperwork, training programs for members and taking minutes. The position is responsible for the smooth running of on-site functions and events and assisting the NELN (Network) administration.

Joy has a background in banking, data entry programs, running small businesses and runs her raw food business www.fruvenu.com.au , holding workshops and dehydrator classes at the ecovillage and in primary schools.

7.2   A Hive of Activity.

The ecovillage community continues to be busy with activities: weeding working bees, commencement of recently-approved demolition, sorting the contents of sheds, preparing for native plant propagation, as well as everything that goes with the development project. Not content with all this…

7.3  Keeping your brain active.

John Seed writes: A group of us have met twice now at the Narara Ecovillage to discuss brain fitness. To prepare for each meeting we listen to one of these podcasts and this is the basis from which our discussion proceeds.

Current scientific findings suggest that the plasticity of the human brain continues throughout life and that there are several things which one can do to delay age-related cognitive decline and perhaps even reverse it. For a brief summary of the field read the short article “Solving the Brain Fitness Puzzle Is the Key to Self-Empowered Aging. What works to pre­serve cognitive abilities? Much like the human brain, the answer is complicated, individual and nuanced” by Alvaro Fernandez. For those interested in a more in-depth understanding of the latest scientific findings, I highly recommend the Brain Science podcast. If you’d like to participate in our next meeting (evening of Friday August 7), please email me – johnseed1@ozemail.com.au

7.4  Fungi spectacular.

An unexpected outcome of the very wet summer and autumn has been a flowerig of fungi in the streets and forests of Narara.  The red and purple fungi are the size of ping pong balls, the orange, the size of a segment of an orange (tricky!).

IMG 1361

IMG 1406

IMG 1372

8.  Next Narara Ecovillage Open Day

Saturday 25 July, from 1.30 p.m.

All are welcome at this fun afternoon on the site of the Narara Ecovillage, 25 Research Road, Narara. Timing: 1.30 Registration, for a 2pm tour, 2.45 pm afternoon tea, 3-4 pm presentation on the Ecovillage Project.

Cost $10/person and $20 per couple/family, free for NEV Co-op and NELN Network members and voucher holders.

N.B. If you are attending the Open Day, you receive free admission to the 4.30 talk (see above).

 As your visit will include a tour, we advise closed shoes.

a misty winter morning in the Narara Valley.

9.  Narara Eco Living Network Events.

9.1  Winter morning Bird Walk

Saturday 15 August, 8.30 a.m., with bird expert Alan Morris. More details coming soon.

If you are a beginning bird watcher, this is a good next step after the July 19 introductory bird walk and talk. A chance to walk and talk with the Central Coast birding ace.

9.2  Monthly Open Day Talk:What Does a Council Sustainability Officer Do?”

Saturday 22 August, David Roberts, Sustainability Coordinator, Willoughby City Council. “Willoughby has invested heavily in sustainability, and pioneered major and innovative projects. Hear an inside story!

David Writes: “Whether it be solar power on community buildings, running organic gardening workshops or adapting local parks to a changing climate councils are the grass root government body, capable of negotiating with residents, business and state and federal government departments to get the best for its community.

Councils that lead the way in sustainability are not just a function of good management but most importantly have a strong, vocal and engaged community capable driving change and setting a communities vision.

This talk will go inside a highly functional council and look at how sustainability is accelerated in this planet’s time of need”.

10. Network members’ Events.

10.1  “From a Linear to a Circular economy”, workshop.

Wednesday 8 July, 6.p.m., Sydney:for the Petersham-Newtown Greens, http://www.polisplan.com.au/client/pages/Event.aspx?id=42. (NELN Members Steve Liaros and Nilmini De Silva)

10.2  “The Future of Work in the coming ‘Well Being Society’” workshop.

Tuesday to Thursday 25-27 August. 2.5 day residential workshop, at Kincumber on the Central Coast of New South Wales, with Jonathan Dawson, sustainability educator and Head of Economics at Schumacher. Seehttp://www.theworkingjourney.com/202 (NELN Member Andrew Olivier).

10.3   “The Future of Money” 2 seminars

28 August and 5 September:: John Seed writes: “We are planning a seminar titled “The Future of Money” (or “Thwarting Leaky Buckets and Other Local Economy Adventures”Date claimer) which looks like  taking  place in two sessions: Friday night August 28 (keynote speaker Jonathan DawsonHead of Economics Schumacher College ) and all day Saturday Sept 5  (keynote speaker Shann Turnbull who we know from last year’s Ecoburbia,a prolific author on reforming the theory and practice of capitalism ).  Details to be advised. (NELN member John Seed).

11.   Contacts and useful information.

The Narara Eco Living Network Inc. is a not-for profit incorporated association for promoting sustainable living. Membership is open to all, and costs $20 an individual or $40 a family for 12 months.

The Narara Eco Living Network organizes the annual Narara Ecoburbia Festival, as well as regular talks, tours and events.

The Narara Ecovillage Cooperative Ltd. Is a Co-operative formed to develop the Narara Ecovillage. Membership costs $20,000 and requires the intent to purchase a lot at the ecovillage and to contribute a minimum number of working hours.


 Twitter. @NararaEcoliving



Winter at the Narara Ecovillage: sunset over the Pecan trees.