Sunday 19 July 2 pm, register now!
How much do you know about the birds of Narara? How many can you identify? Learn the basics of bird identification. What do Narara birds do on a winter afternoon? Will we see the spectacular Regent Bowerbird? Or a hunting goshawk? What prey would a goshawk be seeking? Which birds are defending territory? Which bird has started courting and looking for nest sites? Can you Identify 3 “giants”? Why have some, quite unrelated birds, have ended up black and white? What’s in it for them? Which birds are unique to Australia and which birds can you find anywhere in the world?

Pint-sized, pugnacious and back and white: Willie Wagtail bathing at Narara last week (Photo RC).
The one and a half hour walk will be guided by birder Richard Cassels. “We will start outside the gate of the ecovillage, and then amble around the ecovillage site as far as the edge of the Strickland Forest, returning for a delicious afternoon tea and a chat and bird book inspection to wind up. By the end of the walk, we intend that you will have gained a whole new awareness”.
Birds at the ecovillage this month include Superb Lyrebird, Regent and Satin Bowerbirds, Green Catbird, Eastern Whipbird, Yellow-tailed and Glossy Black Cockatoos and Brown Goshawk.
Numbers are limited to 15, the cost for the tour and tea is $20 adult, $30 family, and you must be a NELN member to come (you can join on the web site any time).
To secure a place, email Richard at as soon as possible.

The spectacular Regent Bowerbird has been on site at the ecovillage this month (Photo RC).