John Huang

Sunday 26 February 2017, 1.30 pm. at the Narara Ecovillage Visitor Centre. More on the hot topic- Passive Solar Design & cool and strong Rammed Earth houses   1.30 pm. “Passive solar design and other sustainable building features that are good for the planet and the wallet”. Paul Zaia, AspectZ Architecture & […]

Natural Buildings and Passive Design

Saturday 22 October 2016 The monthly Open Day (tours, tea and talk) runs from 1.30 to 4 pm.  At 4.30 p.m. the monthly Network talk will be given by John Seed, on Deep Ecology and Rainforest Conservation. John Seed is founder of the Rainforest Information Centre . Since 1979 he has participated […]

Deep Ecology and the Conservation of Rainforests

Saturday June 25. The monthly Open Day (tours, tea and talk) runs from 1.30 to 4 pm.  At 4.30 p.m. the monthly Network talk will be given by Dave Burrows.   Dave Burrows has worked on HIV prevention and treatment among drug users for 30 years. He has now joined […]

From Global Health to Local Ecovillage