Lincoln De Kalb

Rating by a previous participant: “ Graham is an excellent presenter and this is a VERY interesting course”. The workshop, “Principles of Energy-efficient Homes, and introduction to Narara  Ecovillage Building Standards”, will be held on Saturday May 21 2016, 9 am -1:30 pm, atthe Visitor Centre, Narara Ecovillage, 25 Research Road, […]

Designing your Sustainable Home – workshop

Don’t miss the presentation: “Modular Homes: the sustainable homes of the future?”, by Adam Farrow, General Manager of Built Smart Modular Homes. Built Smart’s factory is at nearby Lisarow. The presentation will include an introduction to modular homes, the advantages of modular homes, and how to work with a modular home company to […]

Discover the world of modular homes.

Weed of Focus for March – Fleabane (Conyza species)    What is it? Fleabane belongs to a large genus (group of species) called Conya. What does fleabane look like? Originating in America, Fleabane is an upright annual herb with a single stem up to 1 to 2m high. Found on […]

Weed of the month – Fleabane

Experience Damanhur  – “The most evolved community on Earth”?  Two workshops / presentations at the Narara Ecovillage. Adventures in Community Building & Inner Transformation, with Damanhur ambassadors Squalo and Tridacna. Early Bird bookings have now closed. However – please come along on and pay on the day. Costs are: Saturday $40 Sunday […]

Experience Damanhur

Richard Cassels, bird enthusiast, archaeologist and ecovillage member, has enjoyed birds around the world, excavated extinct ones and been recording the living birds of Narara on a weekly basis for the last 2 ½ years. He will talk about “ Living Dinosaurs: The Birds of Narara, and what they are […]

Living Dinosaurs: The Birds of Narara

We trialled a different format today and for those that came along we’d love to hear your feedback. What did we do differently? Well for one we held the Narara Eco Village open day on a Sunday instead of the usual Saturday. We brought the start time forward to 11am […]

Sunday open day.

Spring into spring! With the Vitality of Fresh Food, Saturday 26th September Come along to Narara Ecovillage and be inspired to eat more fresh foods.  4.30 to 5.30pm. Joy Mozzi, fresh foods facilitator will talk on her experiences and do a couple of delicious recipes for taste testing on the […]

Vitality, Raw and Fresh Food.

Findhorn is listed as one of the top Ecovillages to visit before you die. It is a half century old community based in the North of Scotland and recognised by the UN as a sustainability teacher. This dynamic education charitable trust has a strong internal community and a decade old […]

A taste of Findhorn.

Join regular bird walks at the Narara Ecovillage once you have become a member of the Narara Eco Living Network. The one held on August 15 was a huge success: 15 people came along. This is the maximum number we allow, so everyone gets a good chance to hear and […]

Bird Tour Update

This month’s weed of the month (WOTM) is Blackberry Nightshade (Solanum Nigrum) What is it? Blackberry nightshade is part of the Solanaceae family that also includes tomatoes, eggplant and capsicum. It is probably native to Europe and is now widespread and very common in Australia. It is one of Australia’s […]

WOTM – Blackberry Nightshade

We are slowly expanding our social voice – this time onto a dedicated Narara Eco Living Network facebook page. Of course we’ve had the Narara Ecoburbia page is still going strong, bringing the latest information on our wonderful festival (next one 16 April 2106). But now there is a Facebook page […]

We are now on Facebook.

  SEE REPORT FROM THE “THE FUTURE OF MONEY” SEMINAR appended  World Experts Speak on a Fairer Economy to Build a Strong Local Community  A Seminar hosted by the Narara Eco Living Network Book now for this thought provoking event We would like to acknowledge the support of the Working Journey […]

The future of Money!

Narara Eco Living Network News. Monday 6 July 2015. Contents: A Poem from Cuba. Las Terrazes, Lyndall and Dave at a Cuban ecovillage. Permaculture weekend with Robin Clayfield, July 25-26, book now!  “Social Permaculture” talk, Saturday 25 July, 4.30 p.m. Bird Walk and Talk, Sunday 19 July 2 pm, register […]

6th July Newsletter

On Saturday 22 August, David Roberts, Sustainability Coordinator, Willoughby City Council will be our guest speaker at the network talk. His talk titled “Willoughby has invested heavily in sustainability, and pioneered major and innovative projects. Hear an inside story!” will be sure to hear about that crucial intersection between the […]

Sustainability from a Sydney Council

We are joyously announcing the Ecoburbia Photo Competition winners! By popular vote by members of the Narara Eco Living Network,  huge congratulations to Nilmini Da Silva -1st prize of $100 Richard Cassels – 2nd prize of $50 …kindly donating his winnings to the design of graphics for Ecoburbia 2016 Thanks to all […]

Ecoburbia 2015 Photo Competition.