Lincoln De Kalb

Tony Hester talks on:  ‘Dynamic Governance’ also known as ‘Sociocracy’ a better way of organising communities and business”,  4.30 – 5.30 pm Saturday 27 June 2015 at the Narara Ecovillage Visitor Centre. How does a co-operative of 130 people govern itself and make decisions? The Narara Ecovillage community has chosen […]

‘Sociocracy’ a better way of organising communities and business

John Seed is near and dear to the Network with an extensive background in environmental activism. John spoke at the Central Coast Permaculture monthly meeting in June. The subject of his talk was “Deep Ecology and the Conservation of Nature”. But what is Deep Ecology? Deep Ecology is a philosophy of nature which […]

John Seed on Deep Ecology

The village is less a village – more of a big property that needs to be maintained. One thing that they try and keep under control are the “bad” weeds. The edible and weeds with health benefits probably won’t be targetted but it’s the nasty’s that should be slowed down. […]

Weed of the month – Fireweed.