Network News

Network News Features Principles for Building a Healthy New Home Photo: pixabay -Mikala Dind This 4-part series provides practical information to help you build a healthy home. FEBRUARY: Design #1: Location, orientation, foundations and insulation APRIL: Design #2: Water management – drainage, eaves, gutters and roofs JUNE: Management #1: Humidity, ventilation, […]

FEB 2023 Healthy Homes|Dragonflies|Baby Possum|Smart Grid Report|Lots of Events|

Features Yes, ecovillages can be hi-tech Federal MP Gordon Reid and NEV Power member Dave Parris cut the “ribbon” to celebrate the battery launch -Chris Wenban and others With the official launch of the Narara Ecovillage Community Battery and ongoing development of a Smartgrid, NEV’s energy company ensures the village […]

NOV 2022: Smartgrid, Milestones, Clay floor, Cohousing, Echidnas, Parrots, News, ...

Feature Articles Spangled Drongo Dreaming ……………………………………………… -Richard Cassels In Australia, drongo means a stupid person. Wikipedia, citing the Oxford Dictionary and the Cassells’ Dictionary of Slang, says: ‘The word drongo is used in Australian as a mild form of insult meaning “idiot” or “stupid fellow”. This usage derives from an Australian racehorse of […]

Drongos, Cohousing, Forest bathing, Events, Eco-actions AUG 2021 Network News