Rating by a previous participant: “ Graham is an excellent presenter and this is a VERY interesting course”.
The workshop, “Principles of Energy-efficient Homes, and introduction to Narara Ecovillage Building Standards”, will be held on Saturday May 21 2016, 9 am -1:30 pm, atthe Visitor Centre, Narara Ecovillage, 25 Research Road, Narara.
Sustainability Architect Graham Hunt will introduce the principles of energy-efficient home design, covering such topics as solar orientation, thermal mass and materials.
This will be followed by an introduction to the Narara Ecovillage Building Standards(which include BASIX), and a chance to use the scoresheet to check the star-rating of your design (bring your own design if you would like to do this).
Morning tea will be provided. If you would like to stay for a lunch at 1.30 p.m., after thecourse ends, please bring your own lunch or some food to share.
- Free to Members of the Narara Ecovillage Co-operative.
- $40 individual , or $30 for NELN members.
To reserve your place, please email : info@nararaecovillage.com . You will then be given the information to allow you to pay by Direct Debit (or cash on the day).
Enquiries: 0400 601 668.