12 May 2019, 11:00am-1:00pm
The perfect Mothers’ Day gift!

Following Mad about Dirt! on Saturday, this is your opportunity to meet the experts, Angus and Tino, and ask them anything you want to know.

Come with your questions about topics such as gardens for wildlife, growing your own food and your favourite vegetables, kids in gardens, soil conservation and climate change, agricultural practices in Australia-or just because you love trees and butterflies!
- To learn more about Tino Carnevale .
- For more on Angus, former Central Coast resident and now climate refugee in Tasmania (NB Angus’s first job was at DPI Narara!).
Angus will be available to sign his books like Grow Your Own: How to be an Urban Farmer (with Simon Leake), and The Australian Native Garden, A Practical Guide (with A.B. Bishop).
Narara Ecovillage Visitors Centre
25 Research Rd Narara 2250 Map