Join the network

The Narara Eco Living Network is the not-for-profit educational and outreach body established by members of Narara Ecovillage Co-operative to promote more sustainable living in all its forms.

All are welcome to join.

  • Network members are eligible for discounts to a wide range of events held at the village, as well as free entry to all Village Open days.
  • Membership costs $20 for an individual and $40 a family per year. Network memberships last 12 months.

Have more questions? Email us at:

Find upcoming events at the village here.

Please complete the form below or print out the application form and return via email

Your Full Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Address (required)

Other Members i.e. spouse, partner, children
Please include surnames and ages of children

Best phone number to contact you on?

How did you find out about the network?

What relevant special interests do you have?

Payment Details:

Membership fees

  • Individual $20 p/a
  • Couples or family $40p/a

Cash (already paid)Cheque (Payable to Narara Eco Living Network Inc)Direct Debit (see details below)

Direct Debit - please pay to:
Account: Narara Eco Living Network Inc.
Bendigo Bank BSB: 633-000
Account Number:

150 945 400
ref. Your surname followed by mem. e.g. Smith.mem.

  Please confirm you are happy to receive emails related to the network.
Note - we will never share your contact details with a 3rd party without your permission.

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