For funds in the NELN Environmental Education Fund, the following procedures are used:
Submissions can be made by Committee members, NELN members or others for funding of specific projects with monies from the Fund. This funding will normally be in the form of grants, with reports of expenditure against budgets.
The Committee can choose to implement policies governing expenditure of these funds, including priority for specific types of projects or projects related to specific issues; and/or deciding that some percentage of funds are to be used for short-term projects and other funds are to be held back for use on larger projects.
Grants from the Fund can be for the following purposes:
- Protection and enhancement of the natural environment or of a significant aspect of the natural environment, particularly repair and regeneration of bushland and riparian land on the Central Coast of NSW, with specific focus on Narara Creek; and
- Preparation of educational materials and/ or provision of information or education, or the carrying on of research, about the natural environment or a significant aspect of the natural environment, including at least propagation of native plants, advice on sustainable building, composting and re-use of waste.
Submissions need to be provided to the Convenor, Dave Burrows ( on the form below.
The Convenor distributes copies of all submissions received to all Committee members one week (7 days) before each Committee meeting.
Committee meetings are usually conducted quarterly. (For urgent decision-making, an interim meeting or email exchange can be used to expedite decisions on submissions.)