November talk: Sustainable Environments and Optimal Health

Sustainable Environments and Optimal Health. 

The monthly talk at the Narara Ecovillage. Saturday 28 November, 4.30 p.m. at the Narara Ecovillage.

Dr Mark Donohoe is one of Australia’s most experienced and best known medical practitioners in the fields of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine. He has a long history working in the emerging field of “integrative medicine”, and continues to bring orthodox & complementary medicine together in his Mosman medical practice.



“Between two worlds – Sustainable environments create optimal health”.

Dr Mark Donohoe began his career at Erina Heights on the Central Coast in 1983 after graduating from Sydney University and a residency at Gosford Hospital.

His practice in Environmental and Nutritional Medicine grew rapidly on the Central Coast, and he moved to Sydney in 1989 to lead a group of doctors in an inpatient hospital unit exploring the adverse effects of chemicals on health, especially Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and chemical sensitivities. This research was published in the Medical Journal of Australia in 1995.

Since then, he has been in full time Integrative Medicine practice in Sydney, most recently opening Mosman Integrative Medicine with a medical colleague, Dr Jonathan Turtle.

This talk will focus on the intimate link between the biodiversity and health of our external environment, the biodiversity and health of our internal environment (or INvironment, now often termed the “microbiome”), and the health of the human caretakers in the middle.

A marvellous story is emerging that maintenance of these two environments can be complex and difficult in the world we have created, but failure to do so results in significant health problems for the human “in the middle”.

Examples will be discussed, including the use of glyphosate, better known as Monsanto’s “Round-up” and its effect on that microbiome and ultimately our own health.

The broader “community” of the individual is key to creating the best environment for families and individuals. Fresh clean food, water and air are critical to sustainable health, and fresh foods in season, with a move towards organic foods helps build health and reduce risks of many of our most common degenerative diseases.

This talk is an exploration of our return to our community roots, to simplifying our lives and cooperating with and supporting our fellow travellers, large and small, on our small blue (and green) planet.

Mark Donohoe’s talk is free for anyone attending the Open Day (see below), for members of the Narara Eco Living Network and of the NEV Co- operative. If you just want to come to the talk, the cost is $10.00 per person and $20.00 per family.

2. Dr Mark Donohoe at Ecoburbia this year.

In April this year Mark Donohoe gave a fascinating talk on “It’s the in-vironment, stupid! The other environment so critical to health” at the 2015 Narara Ecoburbia Festival.

“Essentially it’s about maintaining your health in an increasingly toxic environment. And what I am championing is an integrative medical approach”, Mark said. “The focus on the external environment, and the living conditions within homes, workplaces and schools is only part of the story. A new complex biological system, with complexity similar to that of our external environment, has arisen. This biological system is often now termed the “microbiome” or the “in-vironment”.

We are so lucky to have Mark coming to us for a second time.If you missed him the first time, at Ecoburbia in April, don’t  miss this one!